Check out for yourself Judy’s way to eat better, feel better, look better, think clearer.*
Buy Judy’s Book WHERE ARE MY KEYS?® Memory Training You’ll Absolutely LOVE™
WHERE ARE MY KEYS?® Memory Training You’ll Absolutely LOVE™ is divided into two sections.
The first, LOVE TO REMEMBER, gives you creative, fun and easy-to-use memory techniques, like how not to have to slink away and hide from someone because you can’t remember his or her name.
The second, PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD, is full of helpful memory support systems, including brain-friendly diet, exercise, and organizing techniques; along with helpful focus drills and a look at over-multi-tasking perils, to name but a few of the brain-friendly lifestyle suggestions.
The LOVE™ method of remembering gives you “brain assurance.” Use it, so you don’t lose it. Begin today to take proactive measures that will keep your mind as strong as possible for as long as possible.